The Writing Center is providing three options for tutoring this semester: 1) In-person tutoring (meet your tutor in person at the Writing Center, 3rd floor of the ATH in the Learning Commons area). 2) Synchronous online tutoring (meet your tutor online through audio/video or chat). 3) Asynchronous tutoring (receive written feedback on your draft within two business days). To book an appointment, you can log on to one of two schedules (listed in the drop down menu to the left and at the top of the schedule page once you are logged on): SP25 Schedule: This schedule allows you to book either an in-person or an online appointment with your tutor. Click on the appointment time slot, and select if you want your session to be conducted online or in person. For in-person appointments, just show up at the Writing Center at the time of your appointment. As for online appointments, shortly before your appointment time, log into the system, click on your appointment, and then select the red link "start or join online consultation." Please note that all times are in ET. Please be sure your microphone is enabled. SP25 Written Feedback: This schedule allows you to upload your draft to the system and receive written feedback from one of our tutors within two business days (without live interaction with a tutor). This is a good option for those who are unable to meet online or in person. Our tutors will be providing substantive comments and may mark recurring errors for you to find.
Please note that all our tutors are mandated reporters--they are required to report any Title IX incident to the Title IX Office. We look forward to working with you! Please let us know if you have any questions: